martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Gates soon to open on DOMOTEX Middle East – prime showcase for the parquet and floor coverings industry

Istanbul. Turkey is not only one of Europe’s top producers of MDF, but also one of its biggest buyer’s markets for parquet flooring. Just as in other countries around the world, Turkish consumer demand for laminate and multilayer parquet flooring has been rising steadily over the past several years, with no end in sight. According to reports published by The Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), Turkey’s parquet imports rose steeply last year, from as much as approx. 700,000 square meters in 2011.
DOMOTEX Middle East, which next runs from 7 to 10 November this year at the Istanbul Expo Center, is an important marketplace for anyone and everyone with a professional interest in carpets or parquet flooring.
DOMOTEX Middle East is organized by Hannover Fairs Turkey Fuarcılık A. Ş. Its General Manger, Alexander Kühnel, is confident Turkey’s economic growth augurs well for DOMOTEX Middle East. “The Turkish economy grew stronger than expected in the first half of 2013. The country’s GDP was up 3.7 percent compared with the same time last year, due in considerable measure to government spending, which increased 55 percent. Against this background, a visit to DOMOTEX Middle East is an absolute must for businesses in the carpet and flooring industry who want to benefit from Turkey’s economic upswing. The fair has the added benefit that it opens the door to new business in the Middle East. Another noteworthy point: The R+T fair to be held concurrently with DOMOTEX Middle East for the first time this year will generate valuable synergies for visitors and exhibitors alike.”
DOMOTEX Middle East is unique in that it enables a great many international flooring companies to showcase their products to buyers from the Middle East and Turkey. It is the only trade fair in the entire region to offer this kind of scope. DOMOTEX Middle East runs concurrently with R+T Turkey, which is staged at the Istanbul Fair Center. The R+T show complements the DOMOTEX offering with an array of innovations in roller shutters, windows, doors, gates, window shutters, grilles, fences, tents and umbrellas, awnings and sun protection systems.
In addition to stand-alone showcases by international market leaders, DOMOTEX Middle East will feature national pavilions from China, India, Iran, Turkey and Germany. The show will also be international in terms of its visitors, among whom will be many high-ranking delegates from enterprises, industry associations and institutions from a whole range of countries, including Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Oman, Iran and Iraq. Among the confirmed visitors are senior procurement executives and project managers in charge of major construction projects, as well as leading architects and interior designers.
The Turkish government is planning further, large-scale infrastructure projects. These include the light rail project in Sakarya (on the Black Sea Coast), a logistics center in the Havza district, various power station projects, and a third airport in Istanbul. The projects will continue to provide stimulus for the Turkish economy and offer major business opportunities for European exporters.
About DOMOTEX worldwide:
DOMOTEX Middle East, which is organized by Deutsche Messe subsidiary Hannover Fairs Turkey Fuarcılık A.Ş, next runs from 7 to 10 November 2013 and is aimed primarily at visitors from Turkey and the Middle East.
In addition to DOMOTEX Middle East in November, Deutsche Messe AG operates three other DOMOTEX-branded trade fairs on an annual basis. Each year starts with DOMOTEX Hannover, the leading trade fair for the worldwide floor coverings industry, which is held in Hannover, Germany and which next runs from 11 to 14 January 2014. Two months after that, Deutsche Messe subsidiary Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai partners with VNU Exhibitions Asia und Build Your Dream to stage DOMOTEX Asia/CHINAFLOOR. Next held from 25 to 27 March 2014 in Shanghai, the fair targets visitors from the Asia-Pacific region. This is followed by DOMOTEX Russia, which is held in Moscow and caters specifically for buyers and flooring industry representatives. In 2014, DOMOTEX Russia will be held from 1 to 3 April.



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